Energy Harvesting Study

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is helping advance a unique study to determine the technical feasibility and commercial viability of capturing residual thermal energy from manufacturers operating in Hamilton’s Bayfront Industrial Area to heat all types of buildings (new and old) in our lower city and beyond. This work aligns with the Hamilton Chamber’s leadership in the transition to net zero.
Hamilton Community Enterprises, a municipally owned provider of high-efficiency, low-carbon building heating solutions optimized by smart systems, is spearheading the study.
The role of the Hamilton Chamber is to drive outreach and engagement with a focus on communications, special events, government relations, and policy and advocacy. The Hamilton Chamber is represented on the study’s Steering Committee and Task Team.
This study follows a recent report authored by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce which shows that this residual energy source is enough to heat more than 80 million sq ft of building space and trigger GHG emission reductions equivalent to taking more than 95,000 gas-fuelled vehicles off the road.
Findings from the current study will help determine whether to proceed with the development of a low-carbon thermal corridor serving the local community and surroundings. The proposed corridor would employ state-of-the-art district energy technologies and systems.
The study will be completed in early 2024 and a report will be shared with the public.
The study — and more significantly, the proposed implementation of a low-carbon thermal corridor — has the potential to drive positive outcomes for the City of Hamilton and the wider community in areas including, yet not limited to, job creation, retention, and growth of the local manufacturing sector, GHG reductions and improved air quality, and reputational gains as a leader in climate change innovation.
The study is funded by a public-private sector group that includes ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Enbridge Gas, Hamilton Community Enterprises, Hamilton-Oshawa Port Authority, Slate Asset Management, and The Atmospheric Fund.
Partners & Supporters

Video By
Christoph Benfey
Photography By
Reg Beaudry
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