Hamilton Chamber Launches Rainbow Registered Accreditation Program in Hamilton with Canada’s LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce
· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca
The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce and Canada’s LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC) are partnering together to offer Hamilton businesses the Rainbow Registered Accreditation.
Rainbow Registered is a nationally recognized safe space accreditation program developed by the CGLCC, Tourism HR Canada, and funded by the Federal government. It recognizes Canadian businesses and organizations that are LGBT+ inclusive, and in turn helps customers, clients, partners and prospective employees to identify LGBT+ friendly businesses and organizations.
“The Hamilton Chamber is proud to be a Rainbow Registered accredited organization, and invites the Hamilton business community to start the application process,” said Marie Nash, Interim CEO of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. “For those not yet in the position to become accredited, the Rainbow Registered program will help your business formulate a strategy and identify areas of improvement to ensure you can earn accreditation in the near future.”
Canadian businesses and organizations of all sizes and from any industry can apply. To earn the accreditation, the business or organization will need to meet a set of standards in four key areas:
- Policies and practices
- Training
- Commitment to inclusive leadership
- Culture of inclusivity
Businesses that earn their accreditation will be listed on a soon-to-be-launched consumer-facing website that will highlight Rainbow Registered businesses across the country. Accredited businesses will receive the Rainbow Registered logo to display proudly.
The Chambers are hosting a free online webinar on Tuesday, April 5 from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm to learn more about the Rainbow Registered Accreditation Program and inclusive hiring practices. Businesses are invited to register on the Hamilton Chamber’s website.
Cassandra D’Ambrosio
Manager of Communications & Marketing
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Christoph Benfey
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