Resource Designed to Educate Stakeholders on Game Changing Regional Initiative
The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is a leading member of a regional consortium committed to building an advanced manufacturing supercluster in Southern Ontario. The goal is to set global benchmarks in the world of Industry 4.0 by combining our region’s manufacturing prowess with its strengths in areas of technological expertise such as artificial intelligence, process automation and digital connectivity.
To help us get there, the consortium — which includes more than 125 organizations from Greater Toronto, Kitchener-Waterloo, Hamilton-Burlington, and beyond — is competing for significant funding through the federal government’s Innovation Superclusters Initiative.
“We’re thrilled to be working with a network of chamber partners and others to position and promote Southern Ontario as a global centre for advanced manufacturing enabled by the latest technologies,” said Hamilton Chamber CEO Keanin Loomis. “It’s great for our members, Hamilton and the region at large.”
We convened a supercluster forum for Hamilton area stakeholders on September 7, 2017. It was held at McMaster Innovation Park and attracted a capacity audience of 110 people, including a high number of manufacturers and service providers. The purpose was to provide an update on the supercluster funding bid and to engage additional players from Hamilton and surrounding communities.
We video recorded the forum and produced an edited version. A special thanks to McMaster University for sponsoring the video and to the other featured organizations: ArcelorMittal Dofasco, Communitech and the Toronto Region Board of Trade.
To learn more, contact Huzaifa Saeed at | 905-522-1151 x 230.
Video By
Christoph Benfey
Photography By
Reg Beaudry
Website By