Hamilton Anchor Institutions publish a letter of support for the LRT and BLAST Rapid Transit networks
· by Huzaifa Saeed
Yesterday, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce joined leaders of nine other pillar institutions in the City to sign a joint letter urging City Council to continue implementing the city’s rapid transit plan, starting with the B-Line light rail transit (LRT) line and A-Line bus rapid transit (BRT) line.
Full text: March 21, 2017
To: His Worship Mayor Fred Eisenberger, City of Hamilton, And Members of Hamilton City Council
Hamilton, Ontario
Dear Mayor Eisenberger and Members of Hamilton City Council,
As anchor institutions in Hamilton, we believe in the transformative potential of a robust transit system, including both traditional and rapid transit, for the health and prosperity of our city. We support the full implementation of Hamilton’s BLAST network that will enable our students, our patients, our employees, and our citizens to benefit from improved mobility within our city and a wider variety of transit options.
To this end, we urge the City of Hamilton to continue with the implementation of the BLAST transit network. We gratefully acknowledge and value our provincial government’s leadership in funding for the Light Rail Transit B-line and Bus Rapid Transit A-line as key components of the BLAST network. We fully support the staged completion of the BLAST network and the collaboration of all levels of government to complete this project together.
For more information please contact: Huzaifa Saeed | Policy & Research Analyst | Hamilton Chamber of Commerce | t: 905-522-1151 ext: 230 | e: h.saeed@hamiltonchamber.ca
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Christoph Benfey
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