City of Hamilton Lobbyist Registry: An Introduction
· by Huzaifa Saeed
As of August 1, 2015, the City of Hamilton has implemented a lobbyist registry. The Registry is designed to allow members of the public to know who is contacting the City’s officials regarding lobbying activities. Registering for the Lobbyist Registry is required for anyone contacting City Councillors, their staff and any member of the City of Hamilton’s Senior Management Team on subject matters. Certain circumstances may be exempt from the Lobbyist Registry By-law. Please refer to the Lobbyist Registry website for more details.
Since the launch, 14 lobbyists have joined the City’s Registry, representing approximately 19 subject matters. Registering lobbying activities online is simple and emphasizes government accountability and transparency. In addition to its overall transparency and accessibility, the implementation of the Registry tool aligns with the City’s Values and Strategic Priorities. A lobbyist is defined as an individual who communicates with a Public Office Holder on a subject matter with a goal of advancing a business or financial interest.
The City wants to work with the Chamber in building a relationship to help educate the business community and answer question about the registry. In October 2015, the Registries Program Coordinator will be visiting select Chamber Committees to discuss the Registry and answer any questions that members may have.
The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to the success of our members by connecting them with all levels of government. The Chamber also encourages our membership to adhere to the legislative requirements of doing business, as such we strongly advise our members to follow the regulations of the new City of Hamilton Lobbyist Registry.
The City is the third municipality in Ontario to implement a Lobbyist Registry. The City is encouraging all stakeholders to familiarize themselves with the provisions of the Lobbyist Registry By-law. For more information, register as a lobbyist, or search the registry, please visit
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Christoph Benfey
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Reg Beaudry
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