Chamber encouraged by City of Hamilton Issuing Temporary Business Licenses for Entrepreneurs to Test Market
· by Huzaifa Saeed
The City of Hamilton announced today a new temporary licensing option that will allow entrepreneurs to test drive their new business ideas before fully committing to the costly start-up process.
The concept gives entrepreneurs, under certain circumstances, the ability to test the market and build a business case for potential lenders .
As members of the City’s Open for Business subcommittee, the Hamilton Chamber is enthusiastic about the potential this project has for entrepreneurs in Hamilton.
Please see below for more information within the City of Hamilton Media Release:
“City of Hamilton Issuing Temporary Business Licenses for Entrepreneurs to Test Market
HAMILTON, ON – May 11, 2016 – The City of Hamilton today announced a new licensing option for businesses wishing to test the market on a temporary basis before becoming fully licensed.
The City’s Licensing Section is piloting a Temporary Business License as a unique tool that allows businesses to participate in the “pop-up” model of setting up a shop short-term, to increase name recognition and assess the viability of their business longer term, with minimal risk.
The concept was presented to the City’s Open For Business Sub-Committee on May 5, 2016.
“The Temporary Business License fits with the City’s philosophy of being Open For Business,” says Planning and Economic Development General Manager, Jason Thorne. “This is another innovative new tool to promote and entice businesses to come to Hamilton. It also encourages entrepreneurs already here to take the leap and start a business.”
With a temporary license, the City’s Licensing Division is introducing streamlined criteria to ensure public health and safety, as well as proper zoning.
“An emerging business-owner will not have to face the lengthier process of getting established with a full business license. They can essentially go to market and test their business concept more quickly,” says Director of Licensing, Ken Leendertse.
“As a nonprofit dedicated to attracting and advancing young professionals in the city, Hamilton HIVE is encouraged by this new program, which will remove barriers for emerging and established young entrepreneurs to establish their own businesses locally,” says Alyssa Lai, Chair, Hamilton HIVE. “In the long run, this approach will further support young professionals and their investments in the city’s growing economy.”
The proposed Temporary Business License will be granted to businesses to open for a one-month period.
It is the intention of City staff to include this new concept, after it has been sufficiently piloted, as part of the Business Licensing By-law rewrite coming in 2017. Staff will consider recommending it as a permanent program. View more information on upcoming public meetings.
For more information on obtaining a Temporary Business License, contact the City of Hamilton’s Licensing and Permits Office:
Phone: 905-546-2782 and select option 3
Media contact:
Ann Lamanes
Communications Officer
Planning & Economic Development Department
City of Hamilton
C: 905-379-0756
For any comments on this project or more information on the Hamilton Chamber’s role on the City’s Open for Business subcommittee, feel free to contact: Huzaifa Saeed | Policy & Research Analyst | Hamilton Chamber of Commerce | t: 905-522-1151 ext: 230 | e:
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