Policy Updates & News 258 results

Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Joins Chamber Partnership Initiative

· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca

Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Joins Chamber Partnership Initiative to Support Business Growth and Student Career Development across Canada
Partnership connects employers to students – offers eligible employers $7,500 in wage subsidies

February 5, 2020 – HAMILTON, ON: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce has joined the Chamber Partnership Initiative across Canada to support the development of business growth and student careers.

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Ontario Chamber of Commerce Releases 2021 Ontario Economic Report

· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca

On January 28, 2021, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) released the fifth annual Ontario Economic Report (OER) detailing the experiences and confidence levels of Ontario businesses based on data collected through multiple surveys conducted over the past several months.

Click here to review the 2021 Ontario Economic Report

According to the OER, Ontario witnessed a steep decline in real GDP growth (-5.6 percent) in 2020 but is projected to see a moderate rebound of 4.8 percent in 2021, fuelled largely in part by expectations for vaccination rollout and the eventual re-opening of the economy. 

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Hamilton Chamber Launches City-Wide Online Survey to better understand Hamilton’s Employment Disparities during COVID-19

· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca

JANUARY 6, 2021 – HAMILTON, ON: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce has launched a city-wide online survey to better understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the careers of working women within Hamilton.

The survey can be found at womenoutofwork.ca.

Taking only 10-20 minutes to complete, depending on one’s experience, this survey will allow women to share any challenges, barriers, and successes they’ve encountered as a result of COVID-19.

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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Commends City Council for Immediate Action on the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Recovery Recommendations

· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca

December 9, 2020 – HAMILTON, ON: Today, Hamilton City Council received a staff presentation on a long-term, sustainable and equitable action plan from the Mayor’s Task Force on Economic Recovery (MTFER), a working group of multi-sectoral leaders from across Hamilton guiding the City on economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce applauds the Mayor, Members of Council and City staff for their immediate action on many of the recommendations contained within the MTFER.

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Hamilton Chamber Policy Encouraging Federal Government to Launch Guaranteed Basic Income Pilot Approved by Canadian Chamber of Commerce

· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca

October 29, 2020 – HAMILTON, ON: This week, the Hamilton Chamber participated in the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s (CCC) Virtual Annual General Meeting, where chambers from across Canada voted on policies the network will advocate for in Ottawa.

The Hamilton Chamber advanced a resolution, co-sponsored by the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce, calling for the Canadian government to create a basic income pilot project and assess the potential costs, benefits, pitfalls, challenges and outcomes of a nationwide basic income social assistance program.

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Hamilton Chamber Researching the Impact of COVID-19 on Female-dominated Sectors

· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca

SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 – HAMILTON, ON: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce it is working with the Government of Ontario on a Labour Market Partnership to conduct research to measure the impact of COVID-19 on female-dominated sectors.

This project will be regional in scope and will be completed in partnership with the YWCA Hamilton, Workforce Planning Hamilton, Goodwill The Amity Group, and McMaster University.

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Hamilton Chamber Launches Post COVID-19 Economic Blueprint

· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca

July 29, 2020 – HAMILTON, ON: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce published a Post COVID-19 Economic Blueprint for the City of Hamilton’s newly-established Economic Recovery Task Force.

In consultation with its members and tapping into its national, provincial and regional networks, the Chamber’s Post COVID-19 Economic Blueprint includes short term and long term recommendations for all three levels of government to ensure a smooth, equitable, and sustainable transition for Hamilton and beyond.

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Hamilton Chamber Preparing the Business Community for Mandatory Masks

· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca

[UPDATED JULY 20, 2020]

Wearing a mask or face covering will be required in enclosed public spaces beginning July 20, 2020 under City of Hamilton By-Law 20-155. This includes restaurants, retail stores and malls, hair salons, places of worship, public transportation, and other enclosed spaces.

For a full list of information and details on face coverings and the new masks by-law, visit hamilton.ca/masks

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Hamilton Chamber Signs Letter Urging US Government to Reconsider its Removal of the Trusted Traveler Program

· by Bianca Caramento

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce joined the Greater Niagara Chamber of Commerce and the Buffalo Niagara Partnership in a shared letter, urging the US government to reconsider the removal of the Trusted Traveler Program.

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) removal of New York State from the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Trusted Traveler Programs (Global Entry, FAST, SENTRI, and NEXUS) threatens the future of a robust international gateway and a shared culture.

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Open For Business – Continued Improvement to City Approval Timelines

· by Bianca Caramento

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce represents our members and their collective interests on the City of Hamilton’s Open for Business Sub-Committee.

This sub-committee is tasked with reducing red tape and improving efficiency in municipal government.

We are pleased to see that further progress has been made in approval times within the Planning and Economic Development Department (shown below).

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Video By
Christoph Benfey

Photography By
Reg Beaudry

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