Policy Updates & News 258 results

Rapid Policy Update: Hamilton Chamber & Ontario Employer Groups Call on Provincial Government to “Keep Ontario Working”

· by Huzaifa Saeed

On July 27th, 2016 released details on its ongoing Changing Workplace Review.

Should Employers and Employees Be Concerned?

Following the release of the Changing Workplace Review, Ontario employers are collectively voicing their concerns about several policy recommendations being considered by the provincial government due to the profound impact these proposals will have on every workplace in Ontario.

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Pokemon GO: What’s going on and how can businesses engage with the most successful mobile app & game on the market today!

· by Huzaifa Saeed

You might be familiar with this sight on the streets of Hamilton last week:  People anywhere from age 10 to 30+ concentrating intently on their smartphone screen, as if they’re taking a video or a picture, occasionally swiping their finger in upward motions. People walking in herds or alone; especially concentrated around various landmarks downtown.

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Potential Canada Post Lockdown: What Businesses need to know

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Canada Post has given the union a 72-hour lock-out notification which would indicate that service will be affected as of Friday, July 8.

Note – There can be no legal work disruption before Friday, July 8. In the event of a full labour disruption, Canada Post will not operate. Mail and parcels will not be delivered, and no new items will be accepted.

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Canadian Chamber of Commerce launches New Report & Local Infrastructure Advocacy: Investments in Trade Infrastructure Are Necessary to Maintain Canada’s Competitiveness in Global Markets

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Today, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce released a report that advocates the need to invest in trade-enabling infrastructure in order to maintain our competitiveness in global markets. In The Infrastructure that Matters Most, which was produced in cooperation with the Canada West Foundation, the CCC makes five recommendations to the federal government:

  1. Make trade infrastructure an equal priority in the $120-billion Federal Infrastructure Plan
  2. Make trade infrastructure investment decisions using merit-based criteria
  3. Renew the federal commitment to Canada’s trade corridors
  4. Partner with industry to develop a national trade infrastructure committee
  5. Consider the proposed federal infrastructure bank to enhance trade infrastructure investment

For our export-based economy, trade-enabling infrastructure is the category of infrastructure that has the strongest connection to our long-term global competitiveness and economic well-being.

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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce recruiting Bay Area Economic Summit Scribes & Research Assistants for June 21st, 2016.

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Job Description: Bay Area Economic Summit Event Scribes and White Paper Research Assistants (2 Positions still open). June 21st 2016. Paid Opportunity.

Hosted by the Hamilton and Burlington Chambers of Commerce.


What is a Chamber of Commerce?  Chambers of Commerce are membership associations representing the voice of the business community and major public sector institutions.

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Spring 2016 Regulatory Update for Employers: Ontario Chamber of Commerce

· by Huzaifa Saeed

The Ontario Chamber of Commerce’s (OCC) Regulatory Update* summarizes what employers need to know about the latest changes to the regulatory environment for businesses. As you know, easing the regulatory burden for Ontario businesses is one of the top priorities of the Ontario Chamber of Commerce network. We are committed to continuing to advocate for a business climate that fosters investment and growth.

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Media Release: Leverage the private sector to put patients first: Hamilton Chamber of Commerce positions commissioning as solution to health system woes

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, ON, May 31, 2016: Today,  the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) released a new report, Prescription for Partnership, which points to the need for health care stakeholders, both public and private, to put patients first. This report takes a closer look at the role commissioning can play in re-orienting a system that too often operates in response to budgetary pressure.

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Business Intelligence & Feedback request: Federal Government’s CanExport program

· by Huzaifa Saeed

The Government of Canada recently announced a new program to increase the competitiveness of Canadian companies. CanExport will provide up to $50 million over five years in direct financial support to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Canada seeking to develop new export opportunities, particularly in high-growth priority markets and sectors.

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· by Huzaifa Saeed

The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce and Innovation Factory are excited to announce the five Lions for the 2016 LiON’S LAIR Pitch Competition. For the first time, the panel features three women – including two well-known Hamilton entrepreneurs. Four Lions from the 2015 contest are returning: Mario Paron (KPMG), Michael Macaluso (CARSTAR), Cheri Chevalier (Microsoft) and Tonia Jahshan(Steeped Tea).

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Video By
Christoph Benfey

Photography By
Reg Beaudry

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