Policy Updates & News 258 results

Infrastructure Canada releases details on Phase 2 of Federal Infrastructure Funding: Opportunities for Hamilton in Goods Movement, Public Transit and Green Infrastructure

· by Huzaifa Saeed

On Thursday, July 6th, Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, Amarjeet Sohi released Provincial Mandate letters outlining details of Phase 2 of their Government’s ambitious infrastructure fund.

Under Phase 2, the federal investment includes four funding streams to be delivered over the next 11 years:

$20.1 billion for public transit;
$9.2 billion for green infrastructure;
$1.3 billion for community, culture and recreation infrastructure; and
$2.4 billion for wide-ranging infrastructure needs in rural and northern communities.

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Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act and $15/HR Minimum Wage Proposal: An update on our advocacy and hearings in Hamilton

· by Huzaifa Saeed

The Changing Workplaces Review and resulting Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act has raised concerns within our membership and Ontario’s business community broadly.  The proposals are sweeping in nature, the most prominent being an increase to minimum wage to $15/HR by January 1st, 2019, pay equivalency for part-time and full-time workers, expansion of union certifiable professions; for the full backgrounder CLICK HERE.

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Advocacy update: Committee on International Trade Releases Study on Competitiveness of Canadian Steel & NAFTA

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Over the last year, our organization has been actively advocating for the Steel Industry. For more context see here, here and here.

In these uncertain times, It is evident to us that these issues will continue to have a significant impact on your bottom line and long-term plans. We wanted to provide the community with three recent updates:

1) Our advocacy in partnership, with the Windsor and Sault Ste Marie Chambers, began with a focus on the competitiveness challenges faced by Canadian Manufacturing, especially on foreign dumping and inequitable procurement.

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Media Release:Half of Ontarians fear their skills will soon be obsolete: Hamilton Chamber of Commerce releases new report

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, June 27th, 2017 – In partnership with the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce released a comprehensive report, Talent in Transition: Addressing the Skills Mismatch in Ontario, which identifies ten recommendations that will better align the skills acquired by Ontarians with those required by employers.

The report, which was developed in partnership with leading officials in the private and educational sectors, as well as with representatives from across Ontario, includes exclusive, new research of both Ontario Chamber Network members as well as the general population on sentiment toward skills development.

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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce recruiting Project Assistants for the Bay Area Economic Summit (June 27th, 2017)

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Job Description: Bay Area Economic Summit Event Scribes and White Paper Research Assistants (4 Positions). June 27th, 2017. (Paid Opportunity)

Hosted by the Hamilton and Burlington Chambers of Commerce.


What is a Chamber of Commerce?  Chambers of Commerce are membership associations representing the voice of the business community and major public sector institutions.

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Hamilton Chamber launches Survey on Canada – US Trade and Supply Chain for Steel and Manufacturing industries

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Monday, May 23rd, 2017, Hamilton, ON: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is are launching a survey to collect the concerns and recommendations of the Canadian Steel Industry, and related manufacturing industries within the supply chain.

Background: The Canadian steel producers create over 22,000 direct and more than 100,000 indirect jobs through nineteen facilities across five provinces, with over $14 billion in annual sales.

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City of Hamilton to discuss the future of the Vacant Unit Rebate Program on June 7th

· by Huzaifa Saeed

The City of Hamilton is considering the future of a 30% Vacant Unit tax rebate that is offered through application to over 500 businesses annually. It is available for both Commercial / Industrial properties are coded and assessed by MPAC – no application required and Land with no buildings/structures or land not needed to support business.

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Media Release: Hamilton Chamber strongly concerned about potential labour and employment standards reforms: Changes would discourage investment, eliminate jobs and diminish economic opportunities in Ontario, especially among small business owners

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, Monday, May 15, 2017: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, in partnership with the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) has sent a letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne warning against potential changes to Ontario’s Labour Relations Act (LRA) and the Employment Standards Act (ESA), including the introduction of a $15 minimum wage.

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Media Release: BACK TO BALANCE BUT NOT PRUDENCE: Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Chamber challenges government to clarify where business growth will come from

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, April 28th, 2017: In response to Budget 2017, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce (OCC) and the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce today expressed concern that there is no clear path for long-term fiscal prudence, while commending the government for Ontario’s first balanced budget since the global recession. While there is no deficit over the planning period, there is also no plan for surplus.

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Video By
Christoph Benfey

Photography By
Reg Beaudry

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