Media Releases 162 results

Rod Phillips to Speak at the Hamilton and Burlington Bay Area Economic Summit on June 2nd

· by Huzaifa Saeed

HAMILTON May 19, 2015: Event organizers today announced that Rod Phillips, a prominent Canadian business leader and chair of the not for profit organization CivicAction, will be a featured luncheon speaker at the inaugural Hamilton and Burlington Bay Area Economic Summit on June 2 at Royal Botanical Gardens.

“Mr. Phillips brings a wealth of leadership experience gained in the private, public and charitable sectors to our conversation on regional development,” said summit spokesperson Keanin Loomis, CEO of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce.

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Media Release: Hamilton and Burlington Team Up for Economic Summit June 2 Event to Strengthen Cooperation and Boost Regional Influence

· by Huzaifa Saeed

HAMILTON May 12, 2015 — Prominent leaders from the adjacent cities of Hamilton and Burlington, Ontario will participate in the inaugural Bay Area Economic Summit at Royal Botanical Gardens on June 2, 2015.

The day-long gathering, inspired by the Greater Bay Area Committee co-chaired by Councillor Judi Partridge (City of Hamilton) and Rick Craven (City of Burlington), is being co-hosted by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce and Burlington Chamber of Commerce.

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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce comments on the 2015 Provincial Budget and applauds commitment to Hamilton Rapid Transit, still looking for clarity over specifics

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, ON, April 23rd, 2015 — The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce applauds the Ontario Government for formalizing its commitment to a fully funded Rapid Transit project in Hamilton in the 2015 Budget tabled today. However, the Hamilton Chamber is also hoping to receive clarification on details of the budgetary allocation in the near future.

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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce applauds funding for the Arts Community and Organizations

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, March 25th, 2015 – The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce applauds Hamilton City Council for approving a $500,000 increase in the 2015 budget to establish the Arts Program category of the City Enrichment Fund. The allocation is the first budgetary increase for the Arts community in over 15 years.

Over the last five years, the city’s Art Task Force had completed comprehensive research including identifying current programs, a comprehensive survey of arts community funding needs and a comparison of municipal arts funding practices in other Canadian cities.

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Canadian Chamber Network Unveils Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness for 2015  

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, February 17, 2015—The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and its nationwide network of chambers of commerce, associations and businesses, including with the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, unveiled its Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness list for 2015. The Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness is an initiative the Canadian chamber network undertook in 2012 to draw attention to the barriers that are holding back Canada’s progress and to urge all levels of governments to act more swiftly in increasing our country’s ability to compete globally.

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Hamilton Region Economic Outlook 2015 Report: Hamilton Economy to Benefit from Lower Canadian Dollar and US Recovery, Manufacturing Sector Grows

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton Economy to Benefit from Lower Canadian Dollar and US Recovery, Manufacturing Sector Grows

Hamilton Chamber of Commerce and Credit Unions of Ontario release 2015 economic outlook for Hamilton Census Metropolitan Area

Hamilton, ON, February 11th , 2015: Hamilton is set to outpace the provincial average in terms of employment gains and expand at a faster pace than communities in its broader region, according to a new economic outlook from the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce and the Credit Unions of Ontario.

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Media Release: Hamilton Chamber of Commerce applauds the Province of Ontario’s commitment to a fully funded Light Rail Transit system in Hamilton.

· by Huzaifa Saeed

Hamilton, ON, Jan 26, 2015: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is highly encouraged by today’s announcement by Mayor Fred Eisenberger that the Province of Ontario has committed to funding 100% of the capital costs of a light rail transit system in Hamilton.

The project is expected to run along the B-Line corridor with further discussions on an additional link to the new James St North GO Station.

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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Sounding Alarm on Ontario’s Debt and Deficit

· by Marily Butkovic

New report provides straightforward analysis of Ontario’s fiscal situation 

Hamilton, October 29th, 2014:  Ontarians should be very concerned about the province’s fiscal situation, according to a new report from the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce.

The report, “How Bad Is It? What Do We Do About It?”

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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce says businesses are concerned about Ontario pension plan

· by Marily Butkovic

Hamilton, ON, October 08, 2014: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is concerned that Ontario’s proposed pension plan will negatively impact economic competitiveness and job creation in Hamilton. The Chamber is joining a coalition of over 50 chambers of commerce and boards of trade from across the province in voicing its concern to the Government of Ontario.

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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce to Government: Get Employer-Driven Training Programs Right

· by Marily Butkovic

Hamilton, ON, September 08, 2014: The Government of Ontario must ensure that upcoming changes to the province’s training and employment programs reflect the needs of employers, according to a new report released by the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and Essential Skills Ontario.

The call comes as the government works to reinvent the way that many training and employment programs are delivered in the province by giving employers a more direct role in the type of training their workers receive.

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Christoph Benfey

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Reg Beaudry

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