Canadian Chamber Network Unveils Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness for 2015
· by Huzaifa Saeed
Hamilton, February 17, 2015—The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and its nationwide network of chambers of commerce, associations and businesses, including with the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, unveiled its Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness list for 2015. The Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness is an initiative the Canadian chamber network undertook in 2012 to draw attention to the barriers that are holding back Canada’s progress and to urge all levels of governments to act more swiftly in increasing our country’s ability to compete globally.
“Since launching this initiative, the Canadian Chamber has made great progress in furthering our competiveness agenda on a number of issues. However, the barrier our members continue to identify as being the greatest impediment to the success of Canadian business is the skills gap,” said Hamilton Chamber President and CEO Keanin Loomis. “With a federal election imminent in 2015, our chamber is committed to encouraging local candidates to engaging with the businesses community and understanding Hamilton’s unique economic policy challenges, especially in regards to manufacturing and knowledge industries.” added Loomis.
Addressing the Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness will go a long way towards restoring Canada’s competitiveness. The Canadian Chamber is calling on its own membership, on governments, on educators, on labour organizations and others to tackle and overcome these barriers. Effectively addressing these 10 barriers will sharpen Canada’s competitive edge and allow us to prosper in the global economy.
Consult the Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness document
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Hamilton Chamber of Commerce
Established in 1845, the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is the definitive “Voice of Hamilton Business”. Representing over 1000 members and 75,000 employees, it champions the interests of free enterprise by effectively engaging business, community, and government leaders in the promotion of the long-term economic prosperity of our region.
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce
The Canadian Chamber of Commerce is the vital connection between business and the federal government. It helps shape public policy and decision-making to the benefit of businesses, communities and families across Canada with a network of over 450 chambers of commerce and boards of trade, representing 200,000 businesses of all sizes in all sectors of the economy and in all regions. News and information are available at or follow the Canadian Chamber on Twitter @CdnChamberofCom.
Huzaifa Saeed
Policy & Research Analyst
Hamilton Chamber of Commerce
T: 905-522-1151 ext:230 C: 905-220-3030
2015 Top 10 Barriers to Competitiveness
Silos in skills development
Canada is not producing enough graduates with the skills needed for its economy. There are shortages and high demand forecast in a wide range of occupations. As a result of dramatic restrictions, the Temporary Foreign Worker Program no longer presents an effective path to meet short-term labour shortages. In the medium to long term, our education and training systems play a pivotal role in equipping us with people with the right skills. With a demographic reality about to hit our labour market, we need stronger efforts to coordinate between the silos of education and employers. Improving the links between education and employment is not the responsibility of educators and governments alone. Employers are directly implicated. We need to break the silos.
Entrepreneurs lack capital for Canada’s fastest growing companies
One of the most critical determinants of competitiveness is access to capital, especially for start-ups and companies moving from innovation to commercialization. These fast-growing companies often depend upon venture capital (VC) as the lifeblood needed to take a company from idea to market. Canada’s VC industry is still small and punching below its weight, particularly when compared to much larger VC industries in the U.S. During the course of 2014, the Canadian Chamber spoke with dozens of entrepreneurs leading fast-growing companies who say one of the biggest hurdles they face is securing capital to take their companies to the next level. In 2015, the Canadian Chamber will advocate a number of initiatives to boost incentives to expand the overall pool of capital and to attract more angel investors and international funds to Canada.
Lack of clarity regarding Aboriginal land title
Canadian governments have a fiduciary duty to consult and accommodate Aboriginal peoples when proposed developments have the potential to impact their constitutionally protected rights. However, governments are increasingly relying on project developers to assume responsibility for large parts of community consultation and accommodation. This has led to situations where proponents have no clear direction on the extent of the consultation and accommodation required. This year, the Canadian Chamber will explore alternatives to the current scenario for resolution of the development consultation process, which currently seems headed towards lengthy court challenges to produce jurisprudence that guides proponents, opponents and governments.
Internal barriers to trade
The lack of a single domestic market in Canada is a serious and self-imposed weakness in the Canadian economy. Tariff barriers between provinces are banned by the Canadian constitution, yet the national economy is fractured by a host of non-tariff barriers, particularly in procurement, energy, agriculture and transportation, and in the mobility of labour. The federal government must promote more meaningful sanctions against jurisdictions that practice protectionism against other Canadians while supporting those that embrace free internal trade.
Canada’s tax system is too costly and complex
Canada over-relies on income and profit taxes rather than on taxes on consumption, which are relatively easy to collect and are least harmful to growth. Canada’s tax code is also overly complex and imposes significant compliance costs on businesses and consumers while governments spend billions of dollars each year administering and enforcing convoluted tax laws. Canada must undertake a comprehensive review of its tax system with the aim of reducing its complexity and improving the way it raises tax revenue.
Canada’s export infrastructure is not meeting our needs
Public investment in infrastructure has not kept up with Canada’s economic needs. Now Canada’s investment needs far exceed the availability of public funds. Bringing infrastructure in Canada back to the level needed to support prosperity will require an ongoing commitment by all levels of government, an active engagement with private sector stakeholders and a greater appreciation of the opportunities that exist for Canada to be more competitive through more modern public infrastructure.
Canada is uncompetitive in the world’s tourism sector
Canada has slid from the seventh largest tourist destination in the world to the 18th. Today, it is too often a high-cost, high-hassle destination with aging attractions infrastructure and inadequate marketing. Canada’s travel and tourism sector is critical to its economy, and the government must both invest in national marketing initiatives and address Canada’s inefficient visa system, the very high cost of air travel in Canada and its layers of regulations, fees and taxes.
Innovation rate is not sufficient to help manufacturing rebound
The best way for Canadian companies to compete and win in modern manufacturing is through a strong commitment to innovation. This appears to be a continuing challenge as Canada’s innovation rank, a key component of competitiveness, is troublesome. Canada is ranked 22nd by the World Economic Forum for its capacity for innovation. Canadian manufacturers will need to invest more aggressively in disruptive technologies. However, the innovation policy framework that exists in Canada is not sufficient to overcome a number of serious barriers for the manufacturing sector. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce will explore recommendations to reconcile the disconnect between industry and institutions, find a mechanism to support the commercialization of new technology and look at options to support business in the adoption of new technology.
Territorial businesses don’t have the tools they need
The federal government has a critical decision to make regarding Canada’s territories if it is to fully leverage their economic potential. That decision is whether or not to provide territorial businesses with the tools necessary to increase their economic footprint. The result would be more financial independence for the territories and a more competitive Canada.
Canada is missing out on foreign trade opportunities
Canada’s prosperity depends on access to international customers and participation in global supply chains. Faced with a small domestic market, exporting is often the only way to grow sales and build economies of scale. Moreover, sourcing from and investing abroad allows companies to exploit unique technologies, skill sets and cost advantages. However, Canadian businesses are not globalizing as quickly as their peers. To support the expansion of Canadian companies abroad, the federal government needs to build on recent success and take steps to conclude the next wave of high-quality trade agreements and strengthen Canada’s system of trade promotion and economic diplomacy.
Also check out this handy video that summarizes the Top 10 Agenda:
Video By
Christoph Benfey
Photography By
Reg Beaudry
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