Hamilton Chamber of Commerce Releases 2022 Municipal Election Priorities: Ready for Business
· by c.dambrosio@hamiltonchamber.ca
The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is proud to release its 2022 Municipal Election Priorities. As Hamilton’s oldest institution at 177 years old, the Chamber has the privilege of advocating for our 1,000+ members that employ over 75,000 people in our community. The Chamber is presenting recommendations herein to further strengthen our local economy.
After two and a half years of a pandemic, the City of Hamilton stands at an economic crossroads. Businesses in this city have faced a lot of uncertainty due to COVID-19. From lockdowns, to layoffs, to closures, the business landscape in this city has changed. Businesses have had to rethink how they operate day to day to do their part to fight the pandemic.
“Our membership and the broader business community recognize the importance of responsive municipal leadership,” commented Hamilton Chamber of Commerce President & CEO, Greg Dunnett. “We are asking all candidates in this municipal election if elected, how will you work to advance our local economy and ensure that City Hall is Ready for Business?”
As the October 24 municipal election draws near, businesses in this city want to know what municipal leaders will do to support post-pandemic recovery and create an environment that is conducive to new investment, talent attraction, and opportunity creation. Hamilton and its business community are looking for an economic resurgence, and it needs leadership on City Council to help it achieve that goal.
The next municipal government will face tough decisions and will need to focus on actions that support businesses in accessing the capital, markets, and talent they need to grow. Council must have leaders who are willing to work in tandem with local businesses of all sizes and all sectors of our diverse economy. These leaders must have a vision and a plan to move the business community forward.
Over the course of August 2022, the Hamilton Chamber conducted membership consultations to hear from our members about the most pressing issues they face in doing business in Hamilton. This feedback has been outlined into seven Ready for Business priorities that the incoming Mayor and Members of Council ought to prioritize in the next term of council. By sharing these priorities, we hope that you will find them helpful in your discussions with members of our local business community, candidates, and beyond over the course of the campaign.
Please click here to read the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce’s 2022 Municipal Election Priorities: Ready for Business.
We welcome opportunities to discuss our Ready for Business priorities on behalf of our membership further.
CONTACT: Paul Szachlewicz, Policy & Government Relations Advisor
p.szachlewicz@hamiltonchamber.ca or 905-220-6568
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Christoph Benfey
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