Hamilton Business Community Invite Transit Task Force for a Roundtable Consultation
· by Bianca Caramento
Hamilton Business Community Invite Transit Task Force for a Roundtable Consultation
January 23, 2020 – Hamilton, ON: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce, the REALTORS® Association of Hamilton-Burlington and the Hamilton-Halton Home Builders’ Association have invited members of the Hamilton Transportation Task Force to engage in a discussion with their members pertaining to local transit priorities.
“After abruptly changing direction on transit investment, business confidence in Hamilton is shaken. The expected investment guided business decisions, capital deployment and substantial development along the corridor”, explains Keanin Loomis, President and CEO of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce. “The province of Ontario needs to regain the trust of the Hamilton business community.”
The task force’s terms of reference require it to select projects that reflect the interests and needs of Hamilton businesses. This round table will facilitate a constructive dialogue on opportunities to advance critically important transportation investments for the city of Hamilton.
“Our members were significantly affected by the abrupt change in plans. Decisions for transit funding need to consider our collective membership, the backbone of our city’s economy,” adds Loomis.
The Chamber, HHHBA and RAHB will now await a response from the task force Secretariat, in order to find a suitable date and time before the February deadline.
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Marie Nash, Chief Operating Officer
m.nash@hamiltonchamber.ca | 905-522-1151 x 245
Bianca Caramento, Manager of Policy and Government Relations
b.caramento@hamiltonchamber.ca | 905.522.1151 ext. 230
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Christoph Benfey
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Reg Beaudry
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