Hamilton Light Rail Transit: Countdown to Construction
· by Whitney Eames
Construction of Hamilton’s light rail transit line from McMaster University to Eastgate Square is poised to begin within 18 months. Preparations include creating a plan to mitigate the negative impact on businesses from construction along the route. This plan — which will be written into the construction agreement with the selected contractor — will feature best practices from cities across North America and beyond. Last week’s LRT Ready event hosted by the Hamilton Chamber provided an opportunity for project leaders to share draft strategies and strengthen participation.
The event was moderated by Rollin Stanley, General Manager of Urban Strategy, City of Calgary. He drew on his varied experiences delivering LRT projects in Calgary and elsewhere to highlight proven ways to animate a transit corridor during construction. Takeaways included the importance of early planning, the need for city wide involvement, and a commitment to ongoing communication. Panelists Andrew Hope, Metrolinx and Kris Jacobson, City of Hamilton, offered an overview of a draft ‘made in Hamilton’ construction mitigation plan that emphasizes digital marketing, laneway activation and a shop local campaign in partnership with BIAs, the Hamilton Chamber and wider community. “These and other strategies are baked into our plan,” said Jacobson.
Learn more at LRTReady.ca and plan to attend future events
Key best practices shared by Rollin Stanley are reflected in the draft construction mitigation plan for Hamilton LRT
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Christoph Benfey
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Reg Beaudry
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