Hamilton Chamber of Commerce recruiting Project Assistants for the Bay Area Economic Summit (June 27th, 2017)
· by Huzaifa Saeed
Job Description: Bay Area Economic Summit Event Scribes and White Paper Research Assistants (4 Positions). June 27th, 2017. (Paid Opportunity)
Hosted by the Hamilton and Burlington Chambers of Commerce.
What is a Chamber of Commerce? Chambers of Commerce are membership associations representing the voice of the business community and major public sector institutions. With over 550 Chambers in Canada, they’ve played a long-standing role in city building and identifying the collective priorities of their communities to all three levels of government and citizens. The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1845 with Burlington coming later in 1947.
Collectively we represent over 2,000 organisations within the Hamilton and Burlington Communities. Our membership ranges from small 1-3 person businesses to the largest public & private sector employers.
History of the Economic Summit: The Hamilton Chamber of Commerce has hosted the Hamilton Economic Summit over the past seven years, the summit exists as a one-day gathering of over 350 key leaders within the community who came together to discuss and learn about the significant issues and opportunities facing the city.
In the last two years, the Hamilton and Burlington communities came together to launch a joint summit focusing on the regional strengths and aspirations of the Hamilton – Burlington “Bay Area” Region.
CLICK HERE to see an example of how the outcomes are used & HERE for this year’s Agenda.
Your Role
The summit has three series of four concurrent breakout sessions that require scribes. The sessions are led by expert panelists and the scribe’s role will be to take accurate notes on presentation, discussion and help the moderators summarise the event. Scribes can submit their notes verbatim or (based on academic or professional interest), work towards enhancing the content into a “white paper” that can be shared with the community.
- Opportunity to networking and work with prominent Hamilton and Burlington businesses, anchor institutions and elected officials.
- The summit is an opportunity to play a direct role in city building activities affecting the two cities. In previous years, the outcomes of the summits have lead to major projects and initiatives.
- Opportunity to participate in and learn from applied public policy and community engagement activities.
Other Details:
- The Project Assistants will be paid a $100 Honorarium each.
- The Project Assistants will be expected to bring their own note taking devices (e.g: Laptops or Tablets). Each room will have an audio technician who will be able to provide audio recordings to the scribes for review.
- Beyond the breakout session, the scribes are encouraged to participate in the summit, lunch and post-event networking reception as any other delegate ($350 value).
- The Scribes and Research Assistants will be acknowledged as contributing authors to the final white paper.
- The Summit will be held on June 27th at the Royal Botanical Gardens 680 Plains Road West, Burlington. Scribes are expected to attend 8am to 4pm.
- Additional details and full list of speakers can be found at http://bayareasummit.ca
How to apply:
Please email your resume to Huzaifa Saeed, Policy & Research Analyst at Hamilton Chamber of Commerce: h.saeed@hamiltonchamber.ca
Please feel free to add an optional note or cover letter explaining your interest in the role and your suitability for it based on past academic interests & experience.
Positions will be filled on a rolling basis with a firm deadline of Friday June 23rd @ 5pm.
Video By
Christoph Benfey
Photography By
Reg Beaudry
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