Hamilton Chamber of Commerce National Urban Policy agenda successfully endorsed by the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
· by Huzaifa Saeed
Hamilton, ON, October 20th, 2015: The Canadian Chamber of Commerce recently had it’s annual general meeting on October 17-19th. At the GA over 47 resolutions submitted from Chambers of Commerce across the country were formally debated and adopted by the membership. Hamilton Chamber of Commerce is pleased to report back that our’s titled: “Developing a National Urban Policy for Canadian Cities” was overwhelmingly approved by the delegation and is now an official advocacy priority of the Chambers. The Hamilton Chamber will be continuing to advocate for the policy and is pleased that this issue was reflected within the platform of the next Liberal Government.
The policy recommends:
That the federal government:
Develop, in co-operation with the provinces and territories, a long-term National Urban Policy for Canadian Cities and Municipalities that:
- Creates a consistent and predictable long term public infrastructure funding stream for municipalities.
- Prioritizes multi-modal goods movement infrastructure funding that enhances the ability of Canadian Municipalities to compete in the Global Supply Chain and Intranationally.
- Recognizes and supports the role played by Municipalities in the settlement of Immigrants.
- Supports businesses to compete and collaborate with their counterparts in Global Cities.
- Support the development of globally competitive regional economic clusters in municipalities.
To read the full policy and supporting text, please read: National Urban Policy_CCCAGM15_Approved Resolution
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Christoph Benfey
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Reg Beaudry
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