10 Ways to Build a Canada that Wins: The 2018 Policy Priorities of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce
· by Huzaifa Saeed
This week, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce network released 10 Ways to Build a Canada that Wins, a document that provides business, decision-makers and government with a series of clear priorities and objectives that, if addressed, will give Canada a competitive edge, improve productivity and grow the economy.
A strong and prosperous Canada depends on business growth, but businesses are grappling with daunting challenges—economic, political and technological—at home and abroad. To help them compete and grow, we developed the 10 Ways to Build a Canada that Wins to guide businesses, government and other stakeholders towards new opportunities.
In the year ahead, Chambers across Canada will be working together to advocate for these policy priorities, with the aim of improving Canada’s policy environment and creating the necessary conditions to support business growth and build a more prosperous economy for all Canadians.
It’s a partnership. We recognize that building a more productive, more competitive economy is a shared undertaking. It will take the combined efforts of business, chambers of commerce, all levels of government and individual Canadians. We all need to be involved.
CLICK HERE to consult the 10 Ways to Build a Canada that Wins.
For more information or any questions, please contact: Huzaifa Saeed | Policy & Research Analyst | Hamilton Chamber of Commerce | t: 905-522-1151 ext: 230 | e: h.saeed@hamiltonchamber.ca
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Christoph Benfey
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